In the first newsletter you can read more about findings of the research that has been conducted by the project partners to gather information about the understanding and experience of project management amongst the target group of the project, how we developed the project and about upcoming meetings. CLICK HERE TO READ
Second newsletter will give you a view into the first steps that have been made and the ones that are still coming. You can also read an article made based by the online survey we prepared in an effort to be in a better position to identify the needs of the target market. CLICK HERE TO READ
In the third update newsletter you can see how the partners have visited project partner Exponential Training and Assessment in the UK to follow the IPEC Lead Coach Workshop and learn more about their meeting in Berlin. And if you are curious about the workshops and IPEC app, you can take a look into those as well! CLICK HERE TO READ
Over the past few months the IPEC partners have been very busy planning and implementing the testing workshops. You can read more about that in our fourth newsletter, along with information about the partner meeting in Amsterdam and more. CLICK HERE TO READ
In the final newsletter hear our goodbye to this amazing project and also learn more about the final conference of the project at the Institute of Technology Tralee, where a number of distinguished speakers were invited to talk about the benefits, challenges and experiences related to project management. CLICK HERE TO READ
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.